What is Dental Calculus? How to Clean?
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What is Dental Calculus? How to Clean?

What is Dental Calculus? How to Clean? Curious About Dental Tartar

Dental calculus, calculus, aka tartar, is an undesirable condition in terms of oral and dental health. It appears on the tooth as sticky and transparent; it is originally a dental plaque. Failure to perform the necessary care and treatment can pave the way for conditions such as gum recession and decay to occur. Here is the question “What is dental calculus(tartar)? How to clean? What are the things to pay attention to?” that's all in our article.

Why does dental calculus form?

Dental calculus is formed when bacteria on the teeth turn into dental stones within 14 days when oral hygiene is not performed adequately. If adequate oral care is provided, the dental calculus will be at a minimum level. Although oral care is performed in sufficient quantities in some cases, the rate of dental calculus does not decrease. In these cases, your tooth brushing technique may be wrong. That's why you can get help from your doctor about brushing your teeth.

In which area is the most dental tartar (stone) found in the mouth?

There is a high probability of formation of tartar in the mouth-opening parts of the salivary glands, on the inner surfaces of the anterior group of teeth, on the cheek surfaces of the upper jaw molars. But a high percentage occurs on the back surfaces of the front teeth in the lower jaw.

How to clean dental calculus?

Dental stones are destroyed with the help of high frequencies of ultrasonic devices, accompanied by vibrations. In addition, cleaning of subgingival dental stones can also be done with hand tools. Detartrage and gum curettage are performed.

Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to oral hygiene before reaching the cleaning phase. In addition, it is necessary to go to the dentist's check-ups with 6-month periods and clean the dental calculus after the examination. The formation of dental calculus varies from person to person.

How can precautions be taken for dental calculus?

These should definitely be paid attention to in order for dental calculus not to form:

Teeth should be brushed after every meal with toothpastes that have a dental stone cleaner feature.

Oral and dental care should be provided regularly and continuously.

The toothbrush cannot reach all parts of our mouth. Therefore, he should definitely use dental floss for the remaining parts.